Season One Issues

Lawsuits and Ghosting: The Wild West of… Public Records

What do an attempted coup in Cuba and secrets from the Vietnam War have in common? Both led to the creation of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), allowing people to access public documents to hold the government accountable. However, it doesn’t always work that way, as two Richmond women recently discovered when they tested the state’s public record laws. Food insecurity is rising in Central VA, with demand for food pantry items increasing as grocery store prices soar. This week’s Community Spotlight features Änna Ibrahim from Shalom Farms, a non-profit working to increase access to fresh produce and teach how to cook with these ingredients. Finally, for RVA’s Got Questions: What is a board of supervisors, and what do they do?

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Trigger Warning: Breaking the Cycle of Gun Violence

Last year, the city of Hopewell notched a huge victory in the fight against gun violence. Now cities like Petersburg and Richmond want in. We talk with Maurice Washington and Sarah Scarbrough about the strategy they’ve brought to the region. This week’s listener question: Who is Dillon, and why does he get a rule? The Dillon Rule restricts what cities and counties can do in Virginia, and it’s all because of a guy in Iowa during the 1800’s. Finally, a community spotlight… about mindfulness. We talk to Ashley Williams. She’s the founder of the Well Collective, a place – and a movement – that brings history and healing to Shockoe Bottom and beyond.

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More Buses, Free Fares, No Problem

Most cities struggled with bus ridership coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Not RVA. We talk with Faith Walker, Executive Director of RVA Rapid Transit, about what GRTC is doing right – and where there’s room for improvement. This week’s listener question is about a Maymont resident and his enemy: Richmond Sidewalks. Why do the suck? (his words, not ours). Finally, for our community spotlight we talk cookies with Elizabeth Redford, owner of Tablespoons Cafe in Forest Hills. This baker helps adults with developmental disabilities find work and community through delicious sweets.

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RVA’s Housing Woes

We hear it everywhere, everyday: Housing is expensive. But with so many new apartments and homes being built in RVA, why do costs continue to rise? And what can local government do about it? To answer that question we talk with Jovan Burton at the Partnership for Affordable Housing.For this week’s listener question, we talk speed cameras. How are they being used in Richmond, and why aren’t there more? Finally, a community spotlight about gardens — and one woman who creates them wherever she goes.

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